What Is Author Branding?

Why develop your author brand?

Books do not sell themselves authors do! In order for readers to buy your book, they must know, trust and like you as an author. All of that begins with your author brand.

What is an author brand?

An author brand is how readers perceive your image, your message and how you build a relationship with your readers.  Every author has a brand whether they know it or not.  An author has a passive or an active brand.

Passive branding is unintentional, without strategy and is sporadic.  Readers seldom buy or develop readership loyalty with an author who engages in passive branding. On the other hand, active branding is very intentional, strategic, and consistent. 

An active brand genuinely conveys who you are and what you have to offer to people. Active branding increases the influence you have with both people you know and do not know. Increased influence brings additional followers.  Followers turn into loyal fans. 

In a nutshell, passive branding will let some people know that you wrote a book.  But active branding, positions you in front of readers who will actually buy and read your books while influencing others to do the same.

Why choose SNT Publishing?

SNT Publishing is passionate about creating an active author brand that reflects your authentic personality.  We have several author branding packages that are both economical and essential to helping you sell books which also led to securing speaking engagements and other profit-making opportunities as an author.

What types of author branding services does SNT Publishing offer?

Currently, we have four author branding packages available.  However, we can also custom design a package that fits your needs.